As a holistic lifestyle product we embrace both the chaotic and disruptive energy present in everyone as well as the harmonic and peaceful vibes.

Our mission is to be present in your journey of learning and using the powers of nature in the different stages of your life’s journey, understanding that it is ok to be fierce when needed and also vulnerable when that’s the state we are being called upon to embrace.

We believe in using all the tools given to us by the Universe and the ancient wisdom of Mother Earth to unlock the gift of learning how to go within and find balance.

Humanity has the right to thrive in the quest of finding balance of all of the energies within.

Everyone has the right to thrive while burning down in fiery lessons and introspection to then rise into a new version of themselves.

But how do we conquer it while pushing through demanding schedules and hectic lifestyles? Let’s walk the path of learning how to keep our inner energetic balance untitled, not too passive nor aggressive. Just there, right in the middle.


It’s time to become the observer of your reality and surrender to the power of your intuition.


Since ancient times we have learned that there are dual energies present when we talk about Gods and planets.

Kindness and ruthlessness, feminine energies and masculine, structure and creativity.

Our chakra system is about duality as well. While the Root chakra asks us to be anchored, the Sacral invites us to flow and adapt. The Solar Plexus asks us to be fierce and powerful while the Heart chakra to surrender and accept.

These contrasting qualities challenge us to grow in opposing ways and force us to find equilibrium, embracing all chaotic and peaceful emotions and situations in our lives.

We believe in duality and are constantly looking for ways and tools to work towards a dual perfection in this reality.


All of our products are divine and sacred, they are created with a very powerful intention.

We strongly encourage you to take the time to set your intention before starting to use them.

Staying aware of your bodies and their needs is key in order to light the way to find your balance and embrace all of the energies available to you.

You are sacred so claim power and sovereignty over your wellbeing and your life!


Synergy is the working together of two things to produce a result greater than the sum of their individual effects.

Synergy can be seen throughout the plant and animal kingdom in simple and abstruse ways.

Scientists have found that there is synergy between all the active compounds in plants in a way that the whole mixture is greater than the sum of its parts.

CBD mixed with medicinal plants and fruits is synergy at its maximum.

Every component of the hemp plant works together to create the phytocannabinoid we know as CBD that can be paired with multiple herbs and supplements to create a more suitable effect.

Not all light, not all dark, just a powerful combination of both.

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